Helping churches communicate their message and accomplish their mission.

The truly unique thing we all have to offer is our own experiences; the skills, wisdom, and lessons we have learned through them. This is my opportunity to share mine with you.

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If this is our first time meeting, here are a few quick things to know about me.

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1. I love the local church.
It’s been said the local church is the hope of the world. I’m driven to see that Hope overflow to make a Jesus-sized difference in our world.

3. I believe in excellence.
Anything worth doing is worth doing the best we’re able. It not only honours God, but it inspires others.

2. I use design to solve problems.
Whether it’s creating clarity or developing a visual plan to help simplify awareness and increase engagement.

4. We have no time to waste.
Our mandate is clear and our mission is critical, therefore we must do what we can where we can and when we can.





March 24, 2012 in The Church

Embracing Your Box

The desire for excellence, to be a part of a culture of excellence or contribute to something excellent is a longing deep inside many of us. We all want to…
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October 21, 2013 in Leadership

Safeguarding Authenticity

Let's be honest, there are very few leaders in the church who don't struggle with the feelings of inadequacy. It's a reality that plagues the best of leaders. But the…
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April 27, 2016 in Creativity

6 Media Tools for Every Church Service Programmer

If you’re like me, you’re always on the hunt for media tools that help make your job easier and come across a little more polished. Tools that serve the moment…
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